Leather Armor Survivors Build 17 December, 2015

The Leather Armor Survivors are a fun, straightforward build with lots of weapon choices on a single sprue. I ended up mixing in some of the other armor set weapons as accessories as well as heads into this build as noted below

Sprue front

Sprue back

Arms all come in two parts on this sprue - some are relatively small so be careful. Had an incident with the cat that almost ended in disaster! Males have duplicate arms G and H

Male A components in assembly order:

  • uses arms G and H
  • torso is two part male with larger pauldrons
  • legs are two piece with left lower leg
  • head is two part from this sprue
  • weapons are whip, mace and sword

legs and torso on base with arms and weapons assembled

arms attached, sword on back

male A front view

male A rear view

Male B components in assembly order:

  • uses arms H and J
  • torso is two part male with larger pauldrons
  • legs are three part - left leg, groin section and right leg
  • head is from the unarmored sprue
  • weapons are two handed faces axe and shield on back with lantern

legs on base with torso.
a small hobby drill was used to hollow out the lanten handle then glued to the face of the shield.
attached the arms first (before the axe and hand) to try out a two-hand hold but ended up going straight up in the Kings Man style

top down view

male B front view

male B rear view

Female A components in assembly order:

  • uses arms D and E
  • torso is two part female with smaller pauldrons
  • legs are single piece
  • head is from the unarmored sprue
  • weapons are sword and shield with knife

mid build with legs on base with torso and arms with weapons

assembled with shield

female A front view

female A rear view

Female B components in assembly order:

  • uses arms B and F
  • torso is two part female with smaller pauldrons
  • legs are single part female
  • head is pony tail female
  • weapons are grapple, knife and bow & arrows from the Phoenix Armor

legs with torso on base

core build with arms and weapons attached

final with bow and arrows on back

female B front view

female B rear view