Lonely Tree Expansion Build 22 March, 2016

The Lonely Tree is a complex build. See separate build for the Lonely Lady. Recommend the following order:

  1. fruit
  2. base
  3. trunk
  4. branches and accessories
  5. leaf and branch assemblies
  6. leaf and branch attachment
  7. trunk and base attachment
Thanks to Malkaven, Braz, Tabootbat ManWithBirdLikeWing and others for their feedback in sorting out placement and part numbers.

Lonely Tree Expansion Contents
4 tree sprues, 1 Lonely Lady sprue with 30mm base, card pack, divider pack, rule book

Sprue A Front - leaves and branches

Sprue A Back

Sprue B Front - base and accessories

Sprue B Back

Sprue C Front - trunk and branches

Sprue C Back

Sprue D Front - trunk, branches and accessories

Sprue D Back

fruit, 6 total. Parts are two halves D1 + D2

Completed fruit

Base is three parts: B1 + B16 with root B18 (attached later). Overall recommendation is to use the base to check trunk fitment but wait to glue until the tree is assembled. Thanks to Tabootbat for the part number correction!

Trunk C2 + D8 + A16


Trunk D6 + C4 + C1


Trunk C3 + A3


C3/A3 Assembly + D9

Check for fitment on base

D5 fits into the trunk gap with a slot/tab guide

D5 Assembly

D5 Assembly

D5 Assembly

Heart Shield Branch parts B22 + D7 + B15 + A11 + B6 + B3

Heart Shield Branch parts B22 + D7 + B15 + A11 + B6 + B3

Canteen & Chains Branch parts B5 + B8 + B21
Corrected part list to B5 from C6 - thanks Braz!

Canteen & Chains Branch parts B5 + B8 + B21

Round Shield Branch parts D4 + D3 + B14 + B7

Round Shield Branch parts D4 + D3 + B14 + B7

Axe Branch parts B10 + B17 + B4 + B11 (thanks for the update David!)

Axe Branch parts B10 + B18 + B4 + B11 (updated, thanks Malkaven!)

Leaf and Branch assemblies (updated, thanks Malkaven and Taboobat) :

  • A6 + A7 + B19 + A14
  • A9 + A10
  • A12 + A1 + B20 + A13 (thanks again David!)
  • A2 + A4
  • A17 + B13
  • A15
  • A8 + A5 + B9

Add parts B2 + B12

Trunk on base with root part B18 (tab/slot guide) Thanks to Tabootbat for the part number correction!

Final Build

Final Build

Final Build

Final Build