- Savior(s). The Savior ages represent their willful march toward oblivion.

Saviors are undaunted heroes, single minded and suicidally reckless in their quest to make a change in mankind's horrible existence. This meteoric existence ensures their lifespan will be short but bright.
Burning Brightest: The Saviors unwavering guiding star is a shared destiny to change the world for the better. Their eyes constantly open to the tormented existence of others, they dedicate the whole of their being to others. Each act of heroism intoxicates the Saviors, delirious from the heady realization of their higher purpose they are emboldened to greater risks to their own safety. Saviors seek to symbolize hope in a dark and drab world, often adopting bright bizarre garb to match their stations as self-appointed heroes of mankind.
Dreamers with Blackened Feet: In their dreams Saviors travel to an entity they call the Ethereal Dreamer. Nightly, they trudge through the twisting scape of the world's collective nightmares seeking the Dreamer's secrets of power and magic. Over time their dream pilgrimage leaves the Savior threadbare; their feet become sooty and gnarled , their faces sallow with deep shadows under their eyes. Saviors who exceed their expected lifespan eventually begin to fade bit by bit, devoured by the dream world that once empowered them.
How They Play: Saviors are easy to play but hard to maintain. They have a wealth of useful abilities and last second miracles that can save a party from wiping out... but relying too heavily on them can greatly shorten the lifespan and max level of a savior.
Savior - 20 Years
Saviors are undaunted heroes, single minded and suicidally reckless in their quest to make a change in mankind's horrible existence. In their dreams Saviors visit the domain of the Ethereal Dreamer which grants them wondrous knowledge at a startling price. Tapping greater power causes their bodies to age rapidly. As they delve deeper into the collective dream they leave more of themselves behind. Mighty Saviors will grow frail and appear faded at their edges, vanishing slowly at the height of their power.
Savior - 40 Years
Saviors are undaunted heroes, single minded and suicidally reckless in their quest to make a change in mankind's horrible existence. In their dreams Saviors visit the domain of the Ethereal Dreamer which grants them wondrous knowledge at a startling price. Tapping greater power causes their bodies to age rapidly. As they delve deeper into the collective dream they leave more of themselves behind. Mighty Saviors will grow frail and appear faded at their edges, vanishing slowly at the height of their power. The Savior ages represent their willful march toward oblivion.
The 40 Year Savior has traded the vigor of youth for mighty deeds. She is a legend, word of her heroism precedes her and her arrival is a celebration. The soles of her feet are sooted from dream travel but her step is sure-footed and her trail turns sorrow to joy.
Savior - 80 Years
The 80 Year Savior is at once potent with power and gnarled by many lost years. Her body decrepit, the strength of her ability tremendous but threatening to erase her altogether. A Savior drunk with power may find herself withered and gray in minutes. Her frail feet are completely black, and her eyes look out past the world to the dream she now mostly inhabits.
Super Savior
Saviors are undaunted heroes, single minded and suicidally reckless in their quest to make a change in mankind's horrible existence. In their dreams Saviors visit the domain of the Ethereal Dreamer which grants them wondrous knowledge at a startling price. Tapping greater power causes their bodies to age rapidly. As they delve deeper into the collective dream they leave more of themselves behind. Mighty Saviors will grow frail and appear faded at their edges, vanishing slowly at the height of their power.
The Super Savior is the vision of their true form that the Saviors take on in the domain of the Ethereal Dreamer.