Noble Erza Reincarnated of the Stars Survivor Build 06 May 2023

Gear Grid
2 Blue Affinity
0 Green Affinity
1 Red Affinity
Set Bonus: None

Rawhide Headband
armor set rawhide
[A]: Reveal the top 2 [AI]. Place them back on top of the deck in any order.


Rib Blade
weapon melee grand bone
[Slow] [Deadly]



Lucky Charm
item jewelry
+ 1 luck


Rawhide Vest
armor set rawhide
+ 1 evasion


Rawhide Gloves
armor set rawhide
When you depart, gain + 1 survival.



Reverberating Lantern
item tool lantern
[Unique] At the start of any hunt turn, before an event is revealed, you may [Sonorous Rest]. Limit, once per hunt.


Rawhide Pants
armor set rawhide



Rawhide Boots
armor set rawhide
When you depart, gain + 1 survival.



Stone Noses
item jewelry
On arrival, gain + 1 survival, + 1 insanity. arrival: At the start of the showdown.

Fighting Arts & Disorders
Whenever you encourage a survivor, they gain + 1 speed token until the end of the round.
Once per hunt phase, you may inspire another survivor. They use your understanding and courage to resolve a hunt or story event. (Example: if you have 3+ courage you can inspire another survivor to walk the path of the brave during Overwhelming Darkness.)
Seasoned Hunter
Whenever a random hunt event roll is:
11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 or 100,
the event revealer gains + 1 understanding and + 1 courage.
Last Man Standing
While you are the only survivor on the showdown board, you may not gain bleeding tokens or be knocked down.
You have a grand destiny that you must fulfill.
If you do not depart, lose all survival and insanity.
Flower Addiction
An insatiable hunger has bloomed in you, delicate and sickeningly sweet.
You may only depart to hunt the Flower Knight.
After you depart, cure this disorder.
Weapon Proficiency: Grand Weapon Specialist: Yes Master: Yes
Limb-maker - once per settlement phase, spend 2 Endeavors to remove a dismembered limb & gain 1 bone
Other Conditions