A - Jaw Bone Survivor Build 26 Mar 2017

Speaker of the First Words, Voice of Reason
Gear Grid
1 Blue Affinity
2 Green Affinity
2 Red Affinity
Set Bonus: None


Hunter’s Heart
item consumable metal heavy
[Unique] If you die, the heart crawls back to the settlement. Roll a d10. On a 7+, it regrows you. During the settlement Phase, you may archive this to [Bleeding Heart].



Rainbow Wing Belt
item flammable
When any of your attacks rolls are 1, you may reroll them. Limit, once per attack.



item instrument gormskin
[A]: All non-deaf knocked down survivors stand and gain + [1 Armor] to all hit locations. Use once per showdown.



Monster Tooth Necklace
item jewelry bone
Gain + 1 strength
+ 1 strength


Cat Fang Knife
weapon melee dagger bone
On a Perfect hit, gain + 1 strength token. When knocked down, remove all your + 1 strength tokens.



Scarab Circlet
item bone jewelry other
Add [1 Armor] to all hit locations. During the showdown, when your survival is reduced to 0, gain + 1 strength token.



Calcified Shoulder Pads
item bone heavy
Add [3 Armor] to all hit locations. [Ripple Pattern]: When you are attacked, roll 1d10. On a 10+, ignore 1 hit.



Rubber Bone Harness
item bone leather
Once per showdown, you may convert all of your negative attribute tokens to positive attribute tokens of the same type.



Calcified Greeves
item bone heavy
- 1 movement. Add [3 Armor] to all hit locations. Add + 2 [Ripple Pattern] roll results.

Fighting Arts & Disorders
When something would [collide] with you, roll 1d10. On a result of 6+, you successfully tumble out of harm’s way. Instead, place your survivor standing on the closest free space outside of the collision path.
All melee weapons in your gear grid gain [paired].
Ambidextrous cannot be used if there are any shields, two-handed, or heavy gear in your gear grid.
Ignore [Parry] when attempting to wound hit locations. (Attempt to wound these locations normally.)
When a monster attacks you, roll 1d10. On a 6+, ignore 1 hit. Limit, once per round.
Vermin Obsession
You love insects.
While there is a [Bug Spot] terrain tile on the showdown board, you are so overwhelmed that you are doomed.
Ghostly Beauty
You cannot experience fear if you do not exist.
Double all insanity you gain.
Double all survival you spend.
Your rage boils out of control, causing you to see red at the slightest provocation.
Whenever you suffer a severe injury, also suffer the [frenzy] brain trauma.
Weapon Proficiency: Fist and Tooth Specialist: Yes Master: Yes
Ageless Sour Death: Encourage self when KD, +1 Str
Bone Witch Eyes: -4 ACC, +4 STR Deaf: -1 Eva
Other Conditions