Warhammer Armies 23 October, 2017

This is the other thing I do. I got into Horus Heresy when Mark III & IV armor came out in plastic and I picked the Death Guard because Papa Nurgle. Started building and painting during Christmas break 2016. Recently finished the Primaris and have new Death Guard primed and ready.

The XIVth: sometimes they're Dusk Raiders, most of the time they’re heretics

Center featuring some Forgeworld resin characters and the Leviathan Twins

Squad Section

Elite & Heavy Section



Ad Mech. Atrapos with Styrix and Magaera. Yes, thats a squad of 5 shooting robots with another 2 melee. About 1/2 way done painting these.

Not pictured is about 4,000 points of Forgeworld Mechanicum in Mars Red with Belisarius Cawl proxying for Anacharis Scoria.